The NaturalBoom forest
NaturalBoom and Treedom are celebrating the start of their collaboration with the planting of 400 trees and this special limited edition box.
By enthusiastically joining the Treedom project, NaturalBoom has brought its forest to life, thus absorbing 65 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
You too can now be part of this project: inside the box you will find a card to receive one of the trees in the "NaturalBoom for Treedom" forest, on the first platform in the world that will allow you to plant a tree from a distance, give it a name and follow its story online.
400 trees planted
65 tonnes of Co2 Absorbed
5 countries involved
NaturalBoom's commitment to environmental sustainability.
NaturalBoom has always based its corporate philosophy on respect for and protection of the environment, promoting initiatives aimed at innovation and environmental sustainability.
"NaturalBoom for Treedom" becomes the first project of international stature, in addition to the already consolidated project linked to plogging.
In parallel to the initiative that gave life to the NaturalBoom forest, 200 sea buckthorn plants were planted in the Biella Prealps to give concrete help to the area where the idea of the first Mental Drink was born. The sea buckthorn plants will be the setting for educational projects with schools, where they can learn how important it is to protect the environment.
Treedom is the only web platform in the world that allows you to plant a tree from a distance and follow it online. Since its foundation in 2010 in Florence, more than 2 million trees have been planted in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Italy.All trees are planted directly by local farmers and contribute to environmental, social and economic benefits. The philosophy is to create sustainable ecosystems and enable thousands of farmers to meet the initial costs of planting new trees, guaranteeing food sovereignty and income opportunities over time.
Each Treedom tree has an online page, is geo-localised and photographed and can be kept or virtually given away to third parties.