Eight ingredients. A unique taste.
Eight perfectly balanced ingredients including four natural nootropics: papaya, sea buckthorn, ashwagandha and mate.
Nootropics are natural substances that promote mental concentration. Intelligent and palatable, they release neurochemicals, neurotransmitters and enzymes that promote connections. Nootropics are the soul of NaturalBoom.
The result? A fresh drink, with that typical pungent note from the ginger.
Elderflowers have remarkable beneficial properties. They have always been used by folk medicine to counter inflammation and swelling of the skin.
Elderberry is also widely exploited in homeopathy, where it finds use as a remedy for inflammation of the respiratory tract.
Lemon's high vitamin C content gives it excellent antioxidant properties, performing an important action against free radicals, responsible for cellular ageing.
In addition, it has purifying and detoxifying properties and rebalancing effects on the intestine.
Sage Tea
Sage leaves are rich in flavonoids, vitamins and minerals, phenolic acids and essential oils, which give this plant numerous beneficial properties. In fact, sage is one of the most widely used and appreciated herbs for medicinal and curative purposes as well.
Agave juice
It is made from the sap of the blue agave, belonging to the Agavaceae family, a fleshy plant from the Mexican desert.
It has a remineralising effect, as it contains a large amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Despite being composed largely of fructose, it maintains a lower glycaemic index than other sugars, as well as honey itself.
Maca root possesses high nutritional value, making it effective as an adaptogenic remedy. It is also a tonic that can counteract physical and mental fatigue. It also improves the body's nonspecific resistances in response to external stress stimuli, both physical and mental.
It is a tropical fruit with a good amount of carbohydrates, protein and very little fat: from a nutritional point of view, a true elixir of well-being.
It contains vitamins C-A-E-K, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, copper, pantothenic acid and flavonoids. It has recognised antioxidant properties that protect the body against cellular ageing and prevent cholesterol oxidation.
Sea Buckthorn
A shrub already used in ancient times as an energy food, today it is used in a wide variety of fields, from phytotherapy to cosmetics.
Its berries are rich in nutrients such as vitamins A-B-C-E-P, trace elements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Because it is particularly rich in vitamin C (10 times more than in citrus fruits), sea buckthorn is known for its remineralising and tonic properties.
Ideal for eliminating stress and weakness, ginseng, known and used in the East since the dawn of time, has many beneficial properties for the body: it strengthens the immune, endocrine and nervous systems and improves physical and mental abilities.