Moving is also good for the environment

Plogging is a sporting activity invented in Sweden, the perfect combination of jogging and Plocka upp, a Swedish word meaning to collect.

It consists of picking up the rubbish one comes across while jogging: it was Erik Ahlström who popularised the trend and in a short time, plogging has spread worldwide.

This particular activity combines exercise and respect for the environment and is a truly extraordinary mix of positivity.

NaturalBoom promotes plogging

Plogging is good for the body and mind, sustains the environment, and promotes positive values such as togetherness, civic sense, and socialisation.

It is a perfect workout to burn calories, a unique opportunity to be with friends and to rid the green spaces of our cities of polluting objects.

That is why we at NaturalBoom are not only passionate about it, but active in promoting events in the area and beyond.